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In its endeavor to realize its vision and mission, Jamii SACCO upholds the following core values: Integrity, Professionalism, Customer Focus, Teamwork, Innovation and ICT.

New Member Joining Requirements

Apply for a Loan.
School Fees Loan
Development Loan
M-Cash Loan

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Investment or Micro-credit

Recent Highlights News & Events

1. Who Can Join Jamii Sacco Society?

  • Any person can join Jamii Sacco from all the segments of the market including:
  • Public Service employees.
  • Other Government Ministries and Parastatals
  • Employees of Jamii Sacco Society
  • Government Institutions/Parastatals such as Kenya National Library Services, WEF
  • Employees in Private Companies and NGO’s
  • Self –Employed Individuals
  • Self-Help Registered Groups and Community Based Organizations.

2. How do I become a member of Jamii Sacco Society?

Fill in membership forms that can either be downloaded from our website or can be obtained from our offices or from the delegates at every county.

  • Attach a Copy of the National Identity Card and a passport size photograph.
  • Entrance fee Kshs. 1,000
  • Minimum Monthly Contributions currently Kshs. 3300 and Kshs. 300 being Jamii Benevolent Fund Monthly.
  • Minimum Share Capital of Kshs. 20,000 .

3. What are the Benefits of being a Member of Jamii Sacco Society?

  • Attractive dividends on shares and Interest on deposits
  • Competitive Interest Rates on a special deposit account and other Savings Accounts
  • High savings will qualify for bigger Loans
  • High savings need fewer guarantors to secure personal loans
  • Access to Short and Long Term loans with competitive Interest Rates
  • Access to a variety of savings accounts tailor-made to your needs such as Holiday Account, Children's Accounts, Retirement Accounts

4. When was Jamii Sacco Society Established

Established in 1972 by the Civil Servants of the Department of Social Services.
It has established its Headquarter Offices at Mariakani South ‘B’, Nairobi worth valued at over Kshs.50 million. The property houses the staff and all the Society assets. Any extra space is rented out to tenants to earn extra income.

5. What is Jamii Sacco Benovelent Fund?

This Fund ensures that member savings and loans are insured in event of death or permanent total disability. In the event of death of a member or total permanent disability, the deposits are doubled and the outstanding Loans are cleared by the insurance. The Fund also pays for the members Funeral expenses currently up to Kshs 50,000 and also covers only one nominated next of kin in event of death for a similar amount.

6. What do I require to open a FOSA Savings Account at Jamii Sacco Society?

  • Proper Identification documents ( National ID card or Passport)
  • Passport size photo to be taken upon opening of the Account
  • Opening Balance of Kshs 1,000

7. What are the Benefits of operating a FOSA?

  • Facility for banking
  • Facility for payment of all loans, refunds, dividends, etc
  • Facility for Savings and Advances
  • Generates extra revenues for the Sacco
  • Contributes to the overall performance of the Sacco.
  • Can access funds beyond working hours by use of Mobile Banking and the SACCO link ATM card.

9. What are Deposits?

This is monthly savings made to the SACCO by its members and is non –withdrawal except in complete termination of membership or upon death.

10. What is share capital?

It’s the money invested in a Sacco by its shareholders. It’s a long term source of finance. It represents a unit of ownership. All Sacco societies are required by law to have minimum share capital. In Jamii the minimum is Kshs.20,000 i.e. 1000 shares with a par value of 20/- each. This fund is used to cushion against any loss that may be incurred by Sacco in the future. For that reason this money cannot be withdrawn but only transferable in the event the member ceases membership.

11.Benefits of share capital to the society

  • Attracts dividends at the end of every year
  • Member owns part of the institution

12. How much do I need to save to acquire a loan with Jamii Sacco?

After 6 months of saving with the Sacco, the member is entitled to a variety of loan products e.g Jamii  Normal, School Fees and Jamii Emergency loans which are granted 3 times of the member Deposits/savings while loans like Jamii Project is granted 4 times while Jamii Jiinue loan is 5 times of the deposits. Mshahara loans is for members whose salary passes through the FOSA.

13. What security is needed to acquire a loan?

The Securities required include: Guarantors(who should be payroll-based members of the SACCO) Plot Title deeds( Urban plots), Car logbooks, Other securities include regular remittances such as Monthly Savings Pension, Fixed deposit Accounts, and Various savings accounts.

14. How long will my loan application take before disbursement?

Apart from Jamii Normal, Jamii Jiinue, which are processed within 48 hours, the other products such as Jamii School Fees, Jamii Emergency are disbursed within 24 hours upon submitting the loan application forms. The loan disbursement options are through Electronic Funds Transfer(EFT) M-PESA, Bankers Cheques, RTGS may be issued. All members are encouraged to open FOSA accounts to access their funds easily with flexibility.

15. Can I transfer my deposits to another member?

Yes, all a member needs to do is to instruct the society in writing to transfer the deposits to another person.

16. Can I continue with my membership as an individual member after leaving the organization I work for?

Yes, what you need to do is place a standing order for both deposit and loan repayment.

17. Can I pay extra amounts outside payroll?

You can pay extra contributions/ Loan repayments using  MPESA Pay bill or Bank deposits.

18. Can I boost my deposits and take a loan immediately?

Yes, you can boost your deposits and apply for a loan immediately; this applies to existing members only.

19. Can I transfer my deposits from another Sacco to Jamii Sacco? What are the benefits?

One can transfer his deposits from another Sacco to Jamii SACCO. A member who does so is treated as an existing member upon joining the Sacco and can apply for a loan immediately.

20. Can I offset my deposits against my loan?

A member is only allowed to offset his deposits against his loans if he is ceasing to be a member. He must then pay off the loan balance immediately if any. Offsets are only done when a member has asked those he has guaranteed to seek for guarantor replacements.

21. What channels can I use to repay my Loan/ Deposits?

  • Through Check off system –deduction by the employer.
  • Bank Standing Order
  • Cash Payment through the FOSA or Society’s Bank Account at Co-operative Bank of Kenya.
  • M-Pesa Pay bill number 532200

22. How can I withdraw from the SACCO?

  • Give written notice of 60 days
  • Withdrawal is subject to clearance of all Sacco liabilities

23. Who owns Jamii Sacco?

Jamii Sacco Society is owned by the Members

24. What is the assurance of the SACCO’s stability and what measures has Jamii Sacco put in place to ensure it remains stable?

The Board and Management are managing the Sacco as per the Co-operative societies ACT, Rules, and Sacco By-Laws. The SACCO has implemented the use of good Corporate Governance and the Code of Ethics hence stability is guaranteed. The Sacco holds AGM’S yearly where reports and accounts are presented to the members. The SACCO is also licensed by SASRA as a Deposit Taking SACCO hence it's regulated by the government.

For more details contact the Marketing Manager or Member Care:

Telephone: 0207903200 / 020-6552448/77

Mobile: 0704-914143/0718-006820/ 0715-961545

Fax: 020 -552523

P.O Box 57929 – 00200 Nairobi

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Website: www.jamiisacco.com

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Jamii Sacco

Head Office: Jamii Sacco Court, Mukenia Road, South
‘B’ Next to Mater Hospital
Address: P.O. Box 57929 Nairobi 00200 Kenya
Tel: +254 (020) 552477/48 / +254 (020) 6552523
Mobile: +254715961545/ +254712852762
Email: info@jamiisacco.com

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